Where's The Cook?

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

FRiSECS: Fried Rice with Salted Egg & Choy Sam

I'm sorry for not updating this blog since a few months back. Most days I feel so tired after work that I'd sometimes commit the cardinal sin of all cooks and order take-outs instead of eating my own food.

The recipe below was conjured during a lazy weekend. I had recently discovered how tasty dishes can be when fried or added with salted eggs. Now this isn't exactly an outstanding dish, but just a simple one that's ideal to make when you're hungry and you couldn't be bothered with getting a Michelin star.

If you wish to try this dish, let me know what your experience is like. I look forward to hearing from you!


1. Ingredients:
a. 2 pieces of garlic, chopped finely
b. 1 shallot, also chopped finely
c. Several choy sam/sawi leaves, chopped into big pieces (leave the last 2cm of the stems out though)
d. 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
e. 1 egg, beaten
f. 1 salted egg, also beaten (the yolk might be hard to mash though, so it's okay if it's a wee bit clumpy)
g. Dried anchovies
h. Cooked rice
i. Salt and pepper to taste

2. Method:
a. Heat a tablespoon of cooking oil in a wok.
b. Once the oil is hot, fry together garlic, shallot and anchovies until they're all brown.
c. Add in rice and stir for 2-3 minutes just to brown it a bit.
d. Stir the rice away from the centre of the wok, in order to create an empty circle. Pour in beaten salted egg onto the circle. Wait for a minute before you stir everything again.
e. After stirring and mixing everything up, repeat step (d), but this time with the (chicken) egg.
f. Throw in the chopped choy sam stems and stir everything for a minute before adding in the leaves.
g. Stir everything for about a minute before adding in salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately as choy sam leaves can wither quickly when hot.

3. Portion size:
a. If you're hungry, it makes two servings.
b. If you're REALLY hungry, don't share this with anyone else.

4. Cook's Notes:
a. Choy sam can be quite tricky to cook as its leaves wilt really fast when cooked. Normally with leafy vegetables, I'll only cook them for about two minutes over medium fire as I like to keep my greens fresh. With choy sam, about one minute for me is just right.

b. Choy sam also wilts rather fast in the fridge compared to other leafy vegetables. Its leaves can turn yellow even before a week has passed. Ideally you should only buy it if you plan to cook it on that day itself or the day after.

d. When cooking leafy vegetables, always cook the stems first because they take longer to cook compared to the leaves. Also make sure that you cut them in more or less the same size to allow for uniform cooking.


P/S: I just noticed how FRiSECS sounds so much like free s*x. Sorry! :-p

1 comment:

  1. just letting u know, i've changed my url to simplyahmoi.blogspot.com yah.. thanks for taking your time to update :)


About This Blog

It all started with me telling a dear friend that I wanted to make my own recipe book.

I've been collecting some recipes, and have a hard time tracking their whereabouts.

Then I remembered that my mother has a very organised recipe book where she painstakingly copies recipes from newspapers and magazines. I used to refer to it for ideas whenever I'm home and itching to try new recipes.

Mum is a great cook, but she has an awful handwriting that I sometimes misread her recipes.

The dear friend mentioned above suggested I create a food blog instead of writing them down in a notebook.

I guess he didn't have much faith in my handwriting. *chuckles*